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You can integrate LocalTerra in Station, Terrad, and JavaScript and Python SDKs.


The Station Chrome Extension has built-in support for LocalTerra for quick and easy interaction.


  1. Ensure the latest versions of Terrad and LocalTerra are installed.

  2. Use Terrad to talk to your LocalTerra Terrad node:

    $ terrad status

    Terrad will connect to localhost:26657 by default when running this command.

    The following command is the explicit form:

    $ terrad status --node=tcp://localhost:26657

  3. Run any Terrad commands against your LocalTerra network:

    $ terrad query account terra1dcegyrekltswvyy0xy69ydgxn9x8x32zdtapd8

Terra Python SDK

Connect to the chain through LocalTerra's LCD server using

from terra_sdk.client.lcd import LCDClient
terra = LCDClient("localterra", "http://localhost:1317")

Terra JavaScript SDK

Connect to the chain through LocalTerra's LCD server using feather.js:

import { LCDClient } from '@terra-money/feather.js';
const terra = new LCDClient({
URL: 'http://localhost:1317',
chainID: 'localterra',