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This document explains how to influence the blockchain's state by broadcasting transactions.

Transactions include:

  • A list of messages.
  • An optional memo.
  • A fee.
  • A signature from a key.

The messages included in a transaction contain the information that will be routed to a proper message handler in the node, which in turn parses the inputs and determines the next state of the blockchain.

Create transactions

Create a wallet

You will first want to create a wallet that you can use to sign transactions.

import { MnemonicKey, LCDClient } from '@terra-money/feather.js';
const mk = new MnemonicKey();
const terra = new LCDClient({
URL: '',
chainID: 'pisco-1',
const wallet = terra.wallet(mk);

Create messages

import { MsgSend } from '@terra-money/feather.js';
const send = new MsgSend(
uluna: 1000,

Create and Sign Transaction

const tx = await wallet.createAndSignTx({
msgs: [send],
memo: 'Hello',
chainID: 'pisco-1',

Broadcast transaction

const txResult = await terra.tx.broadcast(tx, 'pisco-1');

The default broadcast mode is block, which waits until the transaction has been included in a block. This will give you the most information about the transaction, including events and errors while processing.

You can also use sync or async broadcast modes.

// const syncTxResult = await terra.tx.broadcastSync(tx, 'pisco-1');
// const asyncTxResult = await terra.tx.broadcastAsync(tx, 'pisco-1');

Check events

If you broadcasted the transaction with block, you can get the events emitted by your transaction.

import { isTxError } from '@terra-money/feather.js';
const txResult = terra.tx.broadcast(tx, 'pisco-1');
if (isTxError(txResult)) {
throw new Error(
`encountered an error while running the transaction: ${txResult.code} ${txResult.codespace}`,
// check for events from the first message